9675 Brighton Way
Beverly Hills, CA, 90210
United States

(310) 888-1850

Dr. Forai is a Beverly Hills dentist who offers high-quality cosmetic dentistry such as veneers, implants, crowns, and excellent dental health.


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The Life Changing Power of Veneers

Tibor Forai

What Are Dental Veneers?

Veneers are a thin layer of dental material (porcelain or composite) that corrects the shape, color and function of your teeth. They are made to resemble the natural outermost surface of the tooth (enamel) and when done correctly- they can last for a long period of time.They are done on :

1.      Eroded or chipped teeth

2.      Teeth with defective white fillings

3.      Discolored and stained teeth

4.      Misaligned or crooked teeth when the patient doesn’t want braces.

5.      Congenitally deformed teeth

What is the Difference between Veneers and Crowns?

The main difference between a veneer and a crown is how much of the tooth they cover. A crown or a “cap” covers the all of the tooth that is above the gums, completely envelops the tooth from all sides. A veneer is a thin shell that only covers one (usually visible) side of the tooth rather than covering the whole tooth.


What types of Dental veneers are there?

There are 2 types of dental veneers:

1.      Composite veneers

2.      Porcelain veneers


What Are Composite Veneers?

Composite veneers, or dental bonding as some people call it are a conservative way to modify the color, shape, and sometimes function of teeth.

The procedure is generally done in one appointment and highly aesthetic results can be expected if done properly. A “white filling”, also called composite material is used. They are generally less expensive than porcelain veneers.


What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Thanks to relatively new discoveries in the 1980- we are now able to bond porcelain to tooth structure. Porcelain veneers are thin, but very strong once bonded to the tooth. They require minimal reduction of the actual tooth structure.

Their advantages compared to composite veneers are a better aesthetic result, and longer lasting restorations. They do not stain and are stronger than composite veneers.  These restorations take 2 appointments to finalize.


Veneers with Dr. Forai

Doctor Forai has worked and studied with some of the biggest names in aesthetic dentistry and veneers. He teaches a course on dental morphology and aesthetics at the Herman Ostrow school of dentistry and is eager to use his knowledge to transform your smile. 

The nice thing about dental veneers done by Dr. Forai is that he plans the case with the patients from start to finish. If you have photos of what you would like your teeth to look like- you can bring them in and the doctor will match them perfectly. Dr. Forai will also give you his opinion and recommendation on the shape and color of the teeth, and you will get to “test drive” them in the temporary phase, so that you are sure you are happy with your new smile.